Monthly archives: June 2023

Junior Sports Day

What an afternoon! Fortunately the rain held off for the juniors to have a great time at their sports afternoon, led by the Barrow Raiders team. We kicked off proceedings with a skills circuit, including the high jump, long jump and nerf-football throwing. After that, we got straight into a range of races and obstacle courses to test a range of skills. Last but not least, the tug-of-war!

Well done to everyone involved, particularly red team who just about snatched the win by a very narrow margin. Thanks again to the Barrow Raiders team for organising and leading the day!

Infant Sports Day

Well done everyone this morning at our Infant sports events!  We enjoyed egg and spoon, balancing beanbags, obstacles and flat races with lots of cheers and claps from our very enthusiastic team of parents, pupils and staff encouraging everyone to do their best!! Great effort from everyone!

Class 3 visit Sizergh Castle

Another glorious day for a trip! Class 3 walked to Sizergh Castle in the sunshine. We enjoyed a picnic lunch in the garden and spent some time producing  sketches of the building and looking at the features. We thought about our work in the classroom and looked at how the castle had been added to and changed throughout history. We then enjoyed looking around inside. Finally, we visited the wild trail. A fantastic day for all of us!

YMCA Lakeside 2023!

What a fab day! The sun was shining, the water of the lake was glistening and the shade of the trees was inviting. The peace, however, was undoubtedly broken when all of Class 2, 3 and 4 arrived bright and early for a day of fabulous activities! Before long we had met our brilliant instructors and were out and about canoeing, orienteering, sliding and swinging. Managing to cram two activities in before lunch tired us out, just in time for another two activities afterwards!

A big thanks to all of the instructors at YMCA lakeside for a fantastic day. Enjoy the photos below!