Monthly archives: April 2022

Fantastic fossils in EYFS!


Nursery and Reception children in EYFS have been turning detective this week and discovering all about fossils. The story ‘A girl called Mary’ kicked off our learning, introducing the famous fossil hunter Mary Anning. There has been much excitement watching videos about the process of fossilisation, thinking about what the animal or plant may have looked like whilst it was alive and hunting in our playground for fossils hidden in and around our walls. We also enjoyed investigating clay and using it to make our own imprint of a fossil using different resources from our classroom.

Finding Equivalents

Class 4 have been consolidating their knowledge of fractions, decimals and percentages!

Using a range of activities, games and tasks we have been learning how to find how an amount can be written in more than three different ways!  There are always many ways to write equivalent fractions; but now we can also now find the corresponding percentage and decimal.

Forces and Magnets

Class 3 have been exploring forces and magnets in science throughout the spring term. They explored when magnets repel and attract and how they worked through different materials, even through the table! They investigated to see if different magnets were different strengths. Here they are at work…


Cricket Enrichment Day

Classes 2,3 and 4 all enjoyed action packed sessions with our Cricket Coach John during Tuesday. We worked on a series of different cricket skills including running between the wickets, throwing and catching, hitting and fielding and even over arm bowling too. We then put these all together in a non stop cricket game. Look out for cricket club, starting in the summer term.

Running Success!

**STOP PRESS** In Celebration Assembly, all our fantastic runners showed off their medals and were presented with certificates of achievement. Mrs Coker announced that our Y4 and Y3 girls won the team event for Y5 and under girls team competition and were proudly presented with their shield and certificates – many congratulations one and all!