Daily archives: 24th October 2020

Super Science Skeletons

Did you know…

…our bones help us stand up right and move around?

…humans have over 200 bones in our skeletons?

…our back bones are also known as our spines?

…our rib cage helps to protect our soft squashy organs like our heart, lungs and stomach inside our chests?

…the longest human bone is the femur, our upper leg bone?

…calcium in milk and dairy products helps build strong bones and teeth?

Skiddaw class have been learning facts such as these in science this week. We have also made some super skeleton puppets using split pins for the joints. Here we are at the beginning stages. Working together well in our pairs meant taking turns, supporting each other and persevering with tricky details of the instructions. We all finished our puppets before the half term break – great work everyone!