Daily archives: 8th March 2018

Finding Missing Angles

This week in Maths, Scafell class have been learning all about angles. Today they enjoyed a practical lesson finding missing angles and didn’t mind that Miss Dawson had drawn and taped all over their desks!

The children worked really hard and used many mathematical skills to find the answers to some challenging questions! Mrs Farraday also joined us and was particularly impressed with the children’s knowledge and engagement. Well done Scafell!

An Arty Afternoon

Yesterday, there were lots of sporting events happening so most of the school were out winning! However, some children were left in school, and enjoyed a lovely afternoon doing art in Scafell with Miss Dawson.

Skiddaw are currently working really hard learning about Fractions and really needed a colourful and bright display for their classroom. Therefore, we worked as a team to produce this amazing piece! Miss Dawson really enjoyed spending time with Skiddaw and it looks like the children had fun too!

Lego Club

Since the beginning of Spring Term, the children have enjoyed a number of clubs during lunchtime in school. Miss Dawson enjoys running Lego club on a Friday lunchtime for many of the children and especially enjoys seeing their amazing creations! The Lego club leaders (FH, OR, TW and MS) run a competition each week and the children use team-working skills to make fantastic designs. Take a look…

Tackling Numbers with Keith

Skiddaw have been welcoming Keith Robinson, coach to Newcastle Falcons, in again to train with us and this time teach us Maths too. Tackling Numbers scheme lasts for 5 weeks and links important number and shape work to a rugby context. This week was all about polygons, 2 D shapes with only straight sides, and especially different triangles and quadrilaterals. Finlay suggested a variation to our skills game that we are playing here in the first photo – Keith is going to try it out on his adult team players too!

Lacrosse Fun

Members of Scafell class represented the school at a Dallam Lacrosse Tournament on Wednesday afternoon. The sun shone wonderfully and the team worked together well to score goals by throwing and catching the ball in their sticks with nets! It was great to see friends in other schools and we won 2 matches too.