Daily archives: 6th March 2018

Fairtrade at Levens

During Fairtrade Fortnight we have taken the opportunity to learn lots and spread the word about Fairtrade.  Here at Levens, we think that it is important that workers and farmers across the globe, get a fair price for their crops and products.  Did you know that many farmers do not even get enough income to feed their own families?  We support Fairtrade so that this injustice ends.  During the day, we all enjoyed a range of Fairtrade snacks including raisons, juice, bananas and biscuits; and learnt lots about Fairtrade in class.  At the end of the day, our Good Work Assembly provided an opportunity to share our learning and tell parents all about why it is important to support Fairtrade by buying as many Fairtrade products as possible.

Our Eco-Team organised and led this year’s Fairtrade Stall selling groceries and crafts taking almost £200 to support Fairtrade and every pound is match-funded by the government.  A great effort everyone – Thank you!!

Squiggle Whilst You Wiggle

Today our nursery children have been having a go at mark making. We moved our ribbons in time to the music, lifting them up and down. Then we transfered the movement to our pencils. The children had a great time moving to the music and are looking forward to giving it another go!