Monthly archives: June 2017

Y6 Junior Citizenship

This morning, Year 6 pupils attended Junior Citizenship at Kendal Fire Station where they learnt how to be safe, responsible, help themselves and others in an emergency; how to stay safe online and understand the truth about the recreational drugs available to so many young people in our community.

Very thought provoking; challenging and a fantastic opportunity to develop some crucial life skills before they take the leap to high school!

A week in the life of Bowfell Class!

What a week we have had…

Monday: It was Sports Day!

Tuesday: We started to design and make boats

Wednesday: We tested our boats…

…and we did some music with Mrs Wadey!

Thursday: We had our first tennis lesson with Max.

Friday: We have continued to design and make our own transport. Year 1 have been investigating the relationship between addition and subtraction. Our Early Years children have been singing a song about Mrs Mason and her cows!

Have a lovely weekend. We have all gone home for a rest so we are ready for another busy week!

Scafell Tennis

Scafell Class enjoyed a whole afternoon of tennis. They developed their skills and played some short rallies.

There was certainly some very competitive play and not just from the children!


Sports Day

The sun shone for our annual sports day spectacular. We had a mixture of team activities, skills tests and running races, all finished off with a whole school relay race. It was a close fought morning with only 5 points separating all the teams but Green Team was victorious!

Levens Elections

Scafell class have been forming political parties and writing their manifestos with extensive ideas to improve our school including: non-uniform days, picnic lunches outside, more PE and forest schools on the curriculum, less homework and road crossings to make travelling to and from school as safe as possible.

This week each party presented their manifestos in speeches to the rest of the school. and the library was turned into a polling station.

In assembly, we have been learning all about the democratic process of elections!  Next week, we are looking forward to finding out whether one party has the majority of votes to form the Levens School Government.

Paintings inspired by Georgia O’Keeffe

Scafell have enjoyed completing beautiful and original mixed-media compositions inspired by the American Artist, Georgia O’Keeffe who is famous for her enlarged studies of flowers, dramatic cityscapes and glowing landscapes.  She is recognised as the first American artist to experiment with pure abstraction and is recognised for her contribution to modern art across the world.

Pupils in year 5+6 have used watercolours, pastels, chalks and pencils to create their imaginative studies of flowers.  Each one is a unique interpretation with careful consideration to tone, colour, texture and shape.

Gymnastics and Dance Spectacular

Thankfully the rain held off on Friday afternoon as parents, friends and pupils gathered to celebrate the gymnastics and dance work that have been on going throughout the year. Many thanks to Mrs Craggs and Miss Nic for their hard work in developing these wonderful routines and special thanks to those who donated cakes and biscuits for the interval. Enjoy the videos!

Video Player

Heaves Farm Visit

What a wonderful day we all had at Heaves Farm yesterday!! The whole school walked up the hill to enjoy learning more about farming and how our food gets to our plates.  Some of our favourite sections of our tour included: the piglets, tractors, watching the sheep dogs rounding up the sheep and holding the new-born chicks.  This event is organised by the Westmorland County Agricultural Society every two years; who invite schools from all over the area to visit – over 1600 school children from Cumbria visited Heaves Farm this year.  We feel extremely priviledged to have been invited once again.  Another memorable learning adventure at Levens School.

Scafell Science Investigations

Scafell Class have enjoyed investigating how beans and seeds germinate and explored the conditions for growing seeds during their Science topic on Living Things.  Today we continued our observational drawings and annotations showing how our beans have changed over time.

Aliens Love Underpants

Bowfell Class took part in an orienteering trail set up by Dallam School this week. We went on the hunt for the lost pants!