Daily archives: 20th May 2017

Scafell Class enjoying Forest Schools

Year 5 + 6 enjoyed a wonderful afternoon in our woodland area this afternoon.  We started our session with some challenges to test our teamwork skills including listening, co-operation, supporting one another, sharing ideas and problem solving; some made a little more tricky with blindfolds.

We then moved on to our group challenges: making a small-world sheltered environment on a theme.  Each group worked collaboratively to develop their ideas into amazing miniature communities involving fairies, unicorns, farms, Minecraft and many more.  Each had a range of imaginative features such as gardens, furniture, water slides, hot tubs, campfires, ploughed fields, doorways etc.

We have all certainly developed our creative thinking, imagination and skills to work collaboratively.  Great fun too! More expeditions to our wildlife area continue this term.