Daily archives: 5th November 2016

Learning about the Circulatory System



After watching a video and powerpoint explaining this system; Scafell acted out the flow of blood through the heart, body and lungs.

One child (carrier) set off first, circulating the body carrying a piece of card, red on one side and blue on the other, representing oxygen-rich and deoxygenated blood.  They travelled from the heart to the body, where the oxygen was used and the card was turned to blue.  Next, they travelled back to the heart where they were pumped to the lungs to receive more oxygen and turned the card back to red.  From the lungs, they travelled back to the heart and then back to the body, completing the cycle.  Gradually more carriers were added until we had a complete blood cycle moving continuously; just like the blood in our bodies.  Sounds complicated doesn’t it, but this practical acitivity helped us to get to grips with it, as well as being enormous fun!

Next lesson will be following up our practical work by labelling the different sections of the heart and explaining the flow of bood in our own writing.
